Saturday, January 1, 2011

Reflections and Resolutions

Reflections and Resolutions
While we are all making resolutions, it’s important to reflect a little too. I’ll admit I’ve never actually made a new year’s resolution (or maybe I don't remember because I didn't keep any!). It seems kind of silly to me, especially since most of us don’t stick to them. However, I’ve been beginning to organize my life a little better this year and decided to try to make some goals/resolutions for our family.
In thinking of the future year I wanted to reflect a little on this past year. Here’s what we’ve accomplished:
1.       I finished my Associates Degree

2.       We  bought our first house

3.       Louie was potty trained (HUGE deal for us!)

4.       Leo took his first steps

5.       Al started a new job as Paramedic of special events in Chicago (including all Chicago sports)

6.       I started couponing and saving us a ton of money!!
We’ve been so blessed this year!
With all of these wonderful things, we look to this next year as a year of settling into our home. It feels so great to know we don’t have a lease ending in 6 months. While our house needs A LOT of work, it’s OUR house, and luckily my husband is handy and I’m creative. I’m excited to share our journey and keep you posted on the progress of our following resolutions for 2011:
1.       Remodel kitchen

2.       Organize basement storage

3.       Plant a garden and grow our own vegetables

4.       Make our own lotions/soaps
( also has recipes and tutorials for this)

5.       Home school Louie (Preschool)
(I got some great learning activities from my mother-in-law like My First Book Of Cutting (Kumon Workbooks))

6.       Improve Heating and Cooling Systems

7.       Increase blog readers/followers
8.   Get out and stay out of debt
 (I plan on reading Dave Ramsey's The Total Money Makeover, I've heard great things about it!)
I hope you continue to read and enjoy my blog in 2011! Wishing you all a Happy New Year full of blessings!


  1. Britt, I like this - reflecting first! It becomes sort of a wind beneath the resolution wing...
